Cook’s Nurture Their Nature: “The Adoration Brain”, Also Known As The RAS, LinkedIn Series 2, 2023, T. Cook

Tricia Cook MEd, RSP, AOG, Montessorian

Emotional Intensity Advocate/Neurodiversity Resilience & Family Coach/Consultant, Online Tutor, Podcaster/Author & Developer of My ELBERT, owner and operator of…Cook’s Independent Tutoring, Coaching, & Consulting, LLC.

58 articles

April 18, 2023


Neuropedagogy is the study of the relationship between the brain and learning, with a focus on optimizing teaching strategies to maximize cognitive development. One important aspect of neuropedagogy is affirmation and understanding the role of the The Rectangular Activation System (RAS) which is a part of our brain that is responsible for filtering information and deciding what to prioritize. The RAS plays an important role in our mental and social well-being, as it helps to protect our emotions and heart. In this essay, we will explore the role of RAS in protecting our mental and social health and provide insights into how we can activate our RAS to improve our well-being.

The RAS is like a filter that screens out unnecessary information and lets in only what is important. It helps us to focus on the things that matter and prioritize our attention accordingly. When we activate our RAS, we become more aware of our surroundings, and we can better protect our emotions and heart. For example, if we are walking down a busy street, our RAS will help us to filter out the noise and distractions and focus on where we are going.

One of the main ways that RAS protects our emotions is by filtering out negative information. The RAS is responsible for activating the amygdala, which is the part of our brain that controls our emotions. When we are exposed to negative information, such as news about a tragedy or a personal conflict, our RAS filters out the information that could be harmful to our emotional well-being. This helps to prevent us from feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

Similarly, RAS also helps to protect our heart by filtering out harmful social interactions. When we activate our RAS, we become more aware of our social environment and can better protect ourselves from harmful social interactions. For example, if we are at a party and someone is being aggressive or negative, our RAS will help us to filter out that person’s behavior and focus on positive interactions instead.

However, sometimes our RAS can work against us. For example, if we have a negative self-image or believe that we are not worthy of love or success, our RAS will filter out information that contradicts this belief. This can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy, where we only see evidence that supports our negative self-image, and ignore evidence that contradicts it. RAS  (rectangular Activation System) Insight: When we face spiritual attacks and struggles in this world, we can turn to our Heavenly Father, the Maker of all things. Through His favor and blessings, He shows us His true love, and even in the midst of trials, we can have hope and sure adoration for Him. It is through the righteousness He gives us, through the Spirit of forgiveness and mercy, that we can overcome the world as we strive to live a righteous and godly life.

As we strive to live godly lives, we need the Spirit’s help to exhibit self-control and humility. It is through these traits that we can develop godliness and become more like our Maker. Even when we feel weak and betrayed, we can trust in the righteousness of our Heavenly Father. We pray that you would help us to overcome any obstacles or challenges that we may face, and to walk in the victory that is ours through Christ. He is the source of our strength and the reason we can overcome the world. 

The spirit of self-control and humility, to help us resist the temptations and distractions that lead us away from His will. We ask for the strength to live a godly life, and to show kindness and compassion to those around us. He helps us to trust in His righteousness and to have hope in His promises, even when we feel weak and overwhelmed.

“RAS and FOCUS” 

The RAS (Rectangular Activation System) plays a crucial role in our ability to focus. Essentially, the RAS is a filter that helps us pay attention to what’s important and ignore distractions. It’s like a gatekeeper that decides what information gets through to our conscious mind and what gets filtered out. The RAS is located in the brainstem and is responsible for filtering sensory information from our environment. It’s constantly scanning our surroundings for potential threats and opportunities. When it detects something important or relevant, it sends a signal to the thalamus, which relays the information to the cortex, the part of the brain responsible for conscious thought.

The RAS (Rectangular Activation System) is a powerful tool that can be used to focus our minds on Yahweh Yireh, also known as Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides. By affirmation (understanding) how the RAS works and implementing techniques that activate this rectangular system, we can better focus on God’s provision and simplify our lives. The RAS is a part of our brain that acts as a filter for the information we receive. It is responsible for determining which information is important and should be brought to our attention, and which information is not important and can be ignored. By training our RAS to focus on the things that matter most, we can improve our ability to focus on God and His provision.

One way to activate the RAS and focus on God’s provision is through the use of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated to ourselves in order to shift our thoughts and beliefs such as ‘No Fear, Only Love’. By using affirmations related to Yahweh Yireh and His provision, we can train our RAS to focus on these concepts and bring them to our attention more often. For example, we could use affirmations such as “God is my provider”, “I trust in Yahweh Yireh to meet my needs”, or “I am abundantly blessed by God’s provision”. By repeating these affirmations regularly, we can program our RAS to focus on God’s provision and bring it to our attention more often throughout the day.

Another way to focus on Yahweh Yireh and simplify our lives is by practicing gratitude. Gratitude is the practice of being thankful for what we have, rather than focusing on what we lack. By intentionally focusing on the blessings in our lives and expressing gratitude for them, we can shift our focus away from our perceived needs and onto God’s provision. We can also use the RAS to focus on Yahweh Yireh by simplifying our lives. By reducing the amount of clutter and distractions in our lives, we can create a more peaceful environment that allows us to focus on what truly matters. This can include simplifying our schedules, decluttering our homes and workspaces, and reducing our exposure to media and technology.

In conclusion, the RAS can be a powerful tool for focusing our minds on Yahweh Yireh and His provision. By using techniques such as affirmations, gratitude, and simplification, we can train our RAS to filter out the distractions and focus on the things that matter most. As we focus on Yahweh Yireh and His provision, we can experience greater peace, joy, and contentment in our lives. The RAS plays a vital role in our ability to focus. By setting clear goals and priorities, limiting distractions, and training our RAS through visualization and affirmation, we can improve our ability to stay focused and achieve our desired outcomes.


Research in the field of epigenetics suggests that our thoughts and beliefs can even influence our genetic expression. Epigenetics is the study of how our environment and experiences can affect the expression of our genes, without actually changing the DNA sequence. Studies have shown that stress and negative emotions can lead to changes in gene expression, which can affect our physical and mental health. On the other hand, positive emotions and beliefs can also have an epigenetic effect, promoting health and well-being.

By training our RAS through visualization and affirmation, we can create positive emotional states and beliefs that can have a beneficial effect on our epigenetic expression. When we visualize our success and affirm our ability to achieve it, we are creating positive emotional states that can activate our body’s natural healing and growth processes. This can help us stay focused, resilient  and motivated, and even boost our physical and mental health.

Furthermore, training our RAS through visualization and affirmation can also help us overcome limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that can hold us back from achieving our goals. When we affirm our ability to achieve our desired outcome, we are creating a new mental map that replaces old, limiting beliefs with positive, empowering ones. This can help us break through barriers and stay focused on our goals, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks.

In summary, training our RAS through visualization and affirmation can be a powerful tool for achieving our goals and improving our overall well-being. By creating positive emotional states and beliefs, we can influence our genetic expression and promote health and growth. Additionally, by replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones, we can break through barriers and stay focused on our desired outcome. 


4) Insight: “And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it.” 1 John 5:3

3) Wisdom:  repentance, forgiveness, and a deepening of our relationship of God

2) Discernment: obey God, guiding us on the path of righteousness and to love, showing us the way to eternal life.

1) Understanding: Papa- Renewal 

“And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it.” To understand and follow God’s commandments, we need the guidance of the Spirit of God, also known as the 777 Spirit(s) of God Jehovah, Papa “Father”.

God, the Creator of the universe, is the one who made and sustains us. He is the source of all life and the giver of all good gifts. As humans, it is our duty to love and obey Him by following His commandments. In 1 John 5:3, it says, “And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it.”

 The Spirit of Affirmation is the Teacher and the Guider who can help us gain insight into our own lives and the world around us. He provides the wisdom and discernment we need to make good decisions and navigate difficult situations. When we allow the Spirit of Understanding to work in our lives, we can begin to see things from a different perspective. As affirm and recognize God in our lives, we gain a deeper of God’s commands and instructions and how they apply to our daily lives. This allows us to grow in our faith and obedience to God.

The Spirit of Affirmation & Understanding also helps us to understand the importance of spiritual renewal. Renewal is an ongoing process of growth and transformation that takes place in our hearts and minds. It involves repentance, forgiveness, and a deepening of our relationship with God. When we are spiritually renewed, we are able to live more fully in the grace and love of God.

As we strive for spiritual renewal, we can turn to God as our loving Father who desires the best for us. He wants us to be transformed by His love and to walk in obedience to His commandments. The Spirit of Mercy can help us to do this by guiding us on the path of righteousness and showing us the way to eternal life.

In conclusion, we are called to love and obey God by following His commandments. To do this, we need the guidance of the Spirit of Understanding, who can help us gain insight into our lives and the world around us. By allowing the Spirit of God to work in our lives, we can experience spiritual renewal and grow in our faith and obedience to God.


4)  Insight: In James 2:22, it is said that faith is completed by works. This means that faith without action is incomplete. We need to put our faith into practice by living according to God’s commandments and doing good works. 

3) Wisdom: purification, clarity, and healing

2) Discernment: seeking their guidance for fair treatment of people (justice) and following God’s commands of putting our faith into action (righteousness) 

  1. Understanding: His beloved children (God’s family)

Treating others fairly and living a morally upright life, are especially important in the teachings of Jesus. For justice and righteousness, we are putting our faith into action. Justice refers to the fair treatment of people, while righteousness refers to living a life that is morally upright and pleasing to God. Elohim, The Spirit of Jesus, and the Spirit of Grace is essential for discerning God’s insight and guidance in our daily lives. By seeking their guidance and following God’s commands, we can live a life that is pleasing to Him and experience His fullness.

Elohim, the Maker, is the God of all creation. He is the one who made and sustains us, and He has a plan for each of our lives. By seeking His guidance in our daily lives, we can stay on the path He has set for us and experience His fullness. The Spirit of Might can give us the strength and courage we need to face challenges and make difficult decisions.  

The Spirit of Jesus, also known as the Holy Spirit, is one of the most important aspects of the Christian faith. As the Spirit of God, He is present in the world to guide and empower us. He is The Counselor, The Comforter, and the Spirit of Might. Through the Holy Spirit, we can discern God’s insight and gain wisdom and understanding.       

The Spirit of Understanding is the Teacher and Guider who helps us gain insight into our own lives and the world around us. Through Him, we can discern God’s commands and instructions, and live a life that is pleasing to Him. This is the key to experiencing the fullness of His promise of eternal life in heaven. By walking in obedience to His commands, we can experience purification, clarity, and healing, and be adopted into God’s family as His beloved children.


4) Insight: In James 2:22, it is said that faith is completed by works. This means that faith without action is incomplete. We need to put our faith into practice by living according to God’s commandments and doing good works. 

3)  Wisdom: boldness, victory, and renewed strength

  1. Discernment : grow in their faith ( overcome any obstacle) and live a life that honors God (stand up for what is right) 
  1. Understanding: strength (greater than their own)

Endurance and patience are essential qualities for any believer seeking to grow in their faith and live a life that honors God. The journey of faith is not always easy, and there will be times of trial and tribulation where we must endure hardships and wait on God’s timing. However, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can persevere and overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

The Spirit of Power, Adonai, is a gift that empowers believers to overcome challenges and difficulties. It provides boldness, victory, and renewed strength during times of trouble. With this gift, believers can find the courage to face their fears, stand up for what is right, and overcome any obstacle that comes their way. By relying on the Spirit of Power, believers can tap into a source of strength that is greater than their own.

The Spirit of Knowledge, Shaddai, is another gift that is essential for believers seeking to grow in their faith. With this gift of Discernment, believers can discern God’s will and follow His guidance. The Spirit of Knowledge gives us the ability to see beyond our circumstances, understand the bigger picture, make wise decisions and live a life that is pleasing to God.


4) Insight:  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

3) Wisdom:  knowing that He is with us always, guiding, and protecting us 

  1. Discernment: displayed in the natural world (ultimate power) and in our personal lives (holiness). 
  1. Understanding : Jesus’ act of sacrifice and grace

God’s greatness and glory are beyond measure and are displayed in both the natural world and in our personal lives. Through His love for us, He sent His only Son to die for our sins so that we may have eternal life. This act of sacrifice and grace is a reflection of His ultimate power and holiness.

As we reflect on His greatness and glory, we are humbled by the realization that we are small and insignificant in comparison. Yet, we are also filled with hope and joy in knowing that we are loved by such an all-powerful and all-knowing God. His love and mercy are boundless, and He offers us forgiveness and redemption even when we fall short.

In response to His greatness and glory, we are called to live a life of worship and service to Him. We are to honor Him in all that we do and seek to bring glory to His name through our actions and words. We can also find comfort and strength in knowing that He is with us always, guiding and protecting us through the trials and challenges of life.


4) Insight:  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

3) Wisdom:   God’s help in showing grace and compassion, thank God for His own patience and loving-kindness towards us, and for the ultimate act of love in sending His Son to die for our sins.

  1. Discernment: show compassion and grace to others

1) Understanding: Our Sake ( He patiently endured the cross)

God’s patience and loving-kindness are evident throughout the Bible. This patience and loving-kindness are also evident in the life of Jesus. He came to earth to save us, even though we were sinners and undeserving of His love. He patiently endured the cross for our sake, so that we might have eternal life.

As believers, we are called to emulate God’s patience and loving-kindness in our own lives. We are called to show compassion and grace to others, even when they have wronged us. This can be difficult, especially when we have been hurt, but we are reminded that God has shown us the ultimate act of forgiveness through the sacrifice of His Son. We are called to extend that same forgiveness and mercy to others.

In our own lives, we can ask for the Spirit of patience and loving-kindness to fill us and guide us in our interactions with others. We can pray for God’s help in showing grace and compassion, even when it is difficult. We can also thank God for His own patience and loving-kindness towards us, and for the ultimate act of love in sending His Son to die for our sins.

RAS and Other Parts of Brain/Body Explained

Neuropedagogy, the study of the interaction between the brain and learning, has become an important area of research in recent years. One approach that has gained attention is prudential personalism, which emphasizes the importance of respecting the dignity of each person and making decisions that reflect this respect. Overall, the integration of prudential personalism in neuropedagogy can offer a holistic approach to learning and spiritual development that honors the dignity of each person and promotes personal growth and transformation. 

RAS Is Related to PONS: Pons Varolii (“bridge of Varolius”) Wisdom: As we face the trials and tribulations of life, we can find comfort and strength in knowing that we do not have to fear evil. The Almighty God, Adonai, leads us to confess our weaknesses and seek His strength through supplication. By surrendering our fears and worries to Him, we can experience the joy of life.

In our journey to overcome fear, we must rely on the power of Pons, the bridge that connects us to God’s love and cleansing. We can find the Spirit of patience and peace in knowing that God is always with us, and we need not be afraid. With courage, we can stand firm against the enemy’s attacks and overcome any obstacles that come our way. Through wisdom and discernment, we can navigate life’s challenges and remain steadfast in our faith.

Yada, Yada, Yada…As we seek to glorify the Lord, we can find inspiration in Isaiah 24:15, which calls us to exalt the name of the Lord in all corners of the earth. And in Isaiah 28:29, we can trust in God’s wonderful plan and magnificent wisdom. With His guidance and strength, we can face any trial or tribulation with hope and confidence. As stated in “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?” Romans 6:3

RAS Is Related to Thymus and is richly rewarded (Thymus) for the pineal gland influences the sustenance and function of thymus, the neonatal removal of thymus as well as pineal gland causes the total collapse of the immune system. As believers, we are called to do God’s will, not our own. It can be challenging to surrender our desires and plans to the Lord, but it is crucial in following Him wholeheartedly. We must trust that His plans for our lives are better than anything we could ever imagine. As we submit to His will, we declare our faith in His perfect plan for our lives, and we pray for His healing and peace to reign in our hearts and minds. May we always remember to say, “Your will be done, not mine.” Mark 14:36

As we seek to do God’s will, we should approach Him with thanksgiving and a desire to understand His plan for our lives fully. When we give thanks to the Lord, we acknowledge His goodness and love in our lives, and our trust in Him grows. The more we seek to understand His will, the more we will experience the joy and satisfaction that come from doing His will. It is through this process that our faith in Him is strengthened, and we are richly rewarded with the joy that only comes from serving Him.

In doing God’s will, we must exhibit love, joy, faithfulness, and gentleness. These virtues are a reflection of the character of Christ, and they enable us to serve Him wholeheartedly. We must trust that God is sovereign, and we are not. As we surrender our will to Him, we can rest in the strength that comes from trusting in Him. It is through these virtues that we find hope and the strength to keep moving forward, even in the face of challenges.

“Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?” Romans 6:3. In conclusion, doing God’s will is not always easy, but it is the only way to follow Him fully. As we seek to do His will, may we approach Him with thanksgiving and a desire to understand His plan for our lives. May we be filled with love, joy, faithfulness, and gentleness as we trust in Him to guide us and strengthen us on this journey. And may we always remember that it is through His power and strength that we are able to do His will and bring Him glory.  

Brain Plasticity

Self-directed neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change and reorganize itself in response to new experiences, thoughts, and behaviors. This process occurs through the formation and strengthening of neural connections, which can lead to long-lasting changes in brain function and structure. By deliberately directing our thoughts and behaviors, we can harness the power of neuroplasticity to improve our emotional wellbeing and overall quality of life. 

If we want to improve our focus, we need to train our RAS to filter out distractions and focus on what’s important. One way to do this is by setting clear goals and priorities. When we have a clear sense of what we want to achieve, our RAS will be more attuned to opportunities and information that can help us reach our goals. To activate our RAS, we need to be intentional about the information we expose ourselves to. We can do this by setting clear goals and focusing our attention on the things that will help us to achieve them. For example, if our goal is to improve our financial well-being, we can focus on reading what the bible says about personal finance, rather than scrolling through social media or watching TV.  

Another way to improve our focus is by limiting distractions. Our RAS is sensitive to changes in our environment, so even small distractions can disrupt our focus. We can reduce distractions by turning off our phone or email notifications, closing unnecessary tabs on our computer, and creating a quiet and clutter-free workspace. We can silence, quietly and gently come into His presence. 

Another way to activate our RAS is to cultivate a positive self-image. This can be done by practicing self-compassion, challenging negative self-talk, and setting achievable goals. When we have a positive self-image, our RAS will filter in information that supports our beliefs in Him and helps us to achieve our His goals. Yada, Yada, Yada…So let us join with the chorus of voices from around the world and sing out, “Glory to the Righteous One!” Isaiah 24:16 NIV Even when we feel like we are wasting away, we can have hope in our Maker. 

Through His continued presence in our lives, we can overcome the treachery of this world and live lives that bring honor and glory to Him. Remember, the guidance you receive may not always be what you expect or want to hear, but trust that it is coming from a place of love and wisdom, and follow it to the best of your ability. As stated in “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?” Romans 6:3. Be open to Spirits of God to receive guidance and direction for what to “lay down” and “pick up”…If you are seeking guidance from a spiritual perspective, you may consider seeking the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Here are some steps that you can follow:

  1. Pray for guidance: Start by asking the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction in your life. Be open and receptive to whatever insights or messages you may receive.
  2. Meditate and listen: Spend time in quiet biblical meditation, and be open to the guidance that comes to you. This may be through a sense of inner knowing, a feeling, a vision, or a message.
  3. Study the scriptures: The Bible can provide guidance and insight on many issues. Look for verses and passages that speak to the specific questions you are facing, and reflect on their meaning.
  4. Seek advice from others: Talk to pastors, spiritual leaders, or other trusted advisors who can offer guidance and insight from a spiritual perspective.
  5. Spend Time in Adoration of God: A deep and profound sense of worship and reverence for God, acknowledging His greatness, majesty, and holiness. It involves a deep appreciation of God’s attributes, such as His love, mercy, justice, wisdom, and power, and a recognition of His sovereignty over all things. Adoration is a form of prayer and an expression of our faith and devotion to God. It can be shown through words, such as reciting prayers or singing hymns, or through acts of service and charity.

In conclusion, the RAS plays an important role in protecting our emotions and heart. Adoration can help us to deepen our relationship with God and to draw closer to Him. It helps us to filter out negative information and prioritize our attention on the things that matter. To activate our RAS, we need to be intentional about the information we expose ourselves to and cultivate a positive self-image. By doing so, we can improve our mental and social well-being and achieve our goals.

“Adoration Axis”

In the context of spiritual practices, prudential personalism can be applied by recognizing the value of each person’s unique experiences and perspectives, and creating an environment that allows for individual expression and growth. This can include incorporating practices that encourage quiet introspection and reflection, such as silence of contemplation and biblical meditation. Research has shown that these practices can have a positive impact on brain function, including reducing stress and increasing feelings of calm and well-being. By intentionally creating space for these practices, we can improve our ability to connect with God and experience His righteousness. 

The RAS is closely connected with the Adoration Axis of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), which is a part of the brain that plays a critical role in emotional regulation and attentional control. The ACC is mostly composed of various nuclei in the thalamus and a number of dopaminergic, noradrenergic, serotonergic, histaminergic, cholinergic, and glutamatergic brain nuclei. Together, these nuclei work to integrate sensory, emotional, and cognitive information, allowing us to focus on what is important and filter out distractions. 

By training our RAS through visualization and affirmation, we are effectively activating this “Adoration Axis” in the ACC, enhancing our ability to regulate our emotions and maintain focus on our goals. This can be particularly important in neurodiverse individuals who may struggle with emotional regulation and attentional control. Through coaching and targeted interventions, we can help individuals with neurodiverse profiles learn to train their RAS and activate the “Adoration Axis” of the ACC, promoting resilience and success in achieving their goals.

ARAS Ascending Reticular Activating System is a part of the RAS (reticular formation) and is mostly composed of various nuclei in the thalamus and a number of dopaminergic, noradrenergic, serotonergic, histaminergic, cholinergic, and glutamatergic brain nuclei.  The comfort of God is a powerful force that can bring peace and healing to our troubled souls. As the ARAS, Jehovah is often referred to as our heavenly Father or “papa”, and His love and care for us is immeasurable. When we feel lost or troubled, from the attacks of the enemy, we can turn to Him for guidance and direction, through the “Breastplate of Righteousness” knowing that He has a purpose, plan, and path for our lives.

“Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?” Romans 6:3 

In times of trouble, it’s important to remember that we are not alone. Jehovah is always with us, and through prayer and intercession, we can connect with Him and gain comfort and strength. As we surrender to His will and trust in His plan, we can experience the peace that surpasses all understanding. With the comfort of God, we can be assured of our Hope Sure, knowing that we are never truly lost.

The greatness and knowledge of Jehovah are beyond measure, and His holiness and power are a testament to His majesty. As we come to Him in Adoration, we can experience His presence and find comfort in His loving arms. Through His Spirit, we can gain a deeper connection to Him along with His ways, attributes, and receive the hearing and/or vision as we need to navigate the trials of life. With Jehovah as our Father and Comforter, we can find strength in His might and hope in His love.  

Neuropedagogy: The Adoration Brain & Power of Righteousness

As humans, we are all susceptible to negative emotions such as anger and shame. These emotions can be particularly intense during childhood and adolescence, when we are still learning how to navigate the world and our emotions. Unfortunately, if we do not learn to properly process and manage these negative emotions, they can become trapped in the body and contribute to a variety of health problems. Cook’s theory suggests that one such problem is the decline of the thymus gland as we age and the RAS becomes chaotic.

The thymus gland is an important organ in the immune system that is responsible for producing T-cells, which help the body fight off infections and diseases. However, the thymus gland is most active during childhood and adolescence and gradually decreases in size and function as we age. Cook hypothesizes that this decline is related to the accumulation of negative emotions such as anger and shame. According to Cook, these emotions can become trapped in the body and contribute to the thymus’s decline over time.

To combat this decline, Cook proposes the practice of devotion and Holy Service of the thymus, as well as surrendering negative emotions to God. This, she suggests, can promote thymus health and potentially improve overall well-being. The act of surrendering negative emotions to God through prayer or other spiritual practices can help individuals release these emotions in a healthy way, rather than allowing them to become trapped in the body. 

Additionally, Cook suggests that the act of devotion and Holy Service of the thymus can help individuals cultivate a sense of peace, patience, and courage, while also promoting generosity and loving-kindness.The thymus gland is most active during childhood and adolescence and gradually decreases in size and function as we age. Cook’s theory suggests that the thymus gland’s decline in size and function as we age is related to the accumulation of negative emotions such as anger and shame. Cook hypothesizes that by not giving these emotions to God through devotion and the Holy Service of the thymus, they may become trapped in the body and contribute to the thymus’s decline. Therefore, Cook’s thesis statement proposes that practicing devotion and Holy Service of the thymus, as well as surrendering negative emotions to God, can promote thymus health and potentially improve overall well-being.

[Please note: Cook’s hypothesis suggests that there may be a connection between negative emotions and thymus health. By practicing devotion and Holy Service of the thymus, as well as surrendering negative emotions to God, individuals may be able to improve their overall well-being and potentially even promote thymus health as they age. However, there is currently no scientific evidence to support the theory of a spiritual or metaphysical “seed of light” held within the thymus gland or any other part of the human body. Please note that the information presented here is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for any concerns or questions about your mental health or medical conditions.]  


The concept of training the RAS through visualization, insight, autonomy, and affirmation is based on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs influence our behavior and experiences. When we focus our attention on specific goals and affirm our ability to achieve them, we are creating a mental map that guides our behavior and helps us stay motivated towards our desired outcome. As a family and resilience neurodiversity coach, I work with individuals and families to help them understand and leverage the power of their RAS and the brain in Christ such as: 

  • The first session focuses our stories, testimonies, and discuss how we can protect our minds, emotions and hearts. The goal this week is to seek silence and solitude, but not to isolate oneself within the means of saving grace.  
  • The second set is related to social interactions and using Nouthetic Counseling (what does the Bible say…about?). The goal is to engage, but overcome the experience anxiety. The skill to overcome as to adapt and utilize saving grace. The goal is the skill of intention setting and hearing/vision to dream with and call in mercy (so exciting)!!  
  • Several sets of sessions, using Motivational Interviewing, can be used as a framework to explore and develop strategies for personal growth and self-improvement. By understanding our goals, weaknesses, and skills, we can identify areas in our lives that need improvement and work towards positive change. For example, if our goal is to seek solitude, we can recognize “new-self”, and work on connecting with others and our work in a healthy way.  

Similarly, if our goal is to engage socially but we struggle with anxiety, we can utilize the skill of adapting and finding ways to manage our anxiety, such as through therapy or mindfulness practices. Ultimately, by focusing on our strengths and working on areas that need improvement, we can enhance our overall well-being and resilience.I believe that by training our RAS through visualization and affirmation, we can build resilience and increase our chances of success.

 In my coaching sessions, as you read above I help clients identify their goals and teach them techniques for visualizing and affirming their ability to achieve those goals. I also work with families to help them understand and support each other’s neurodiversity, recognizing that everyone’s RAS may work differently. By building a culture of support and understanding, families can create a resilient and empowered environment that helps everyone thrive.


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Published by

Tricia Cook MEd, RSP, AOG, Montessorian

Emotional Intensity Advocate/Neurodiversity Resilience & Family Coach/Consultant, Online Tutor, Podcaster/Author & Developer of My ELBERT, owner and operator of…

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Nurture Their Nature News

Nurture Their Nature News

Helping Those With Neurodifference Enjoy Learning Again

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Published by Tricia Cook, MEd., Online Dyslexia and Behavioral Interventionist, RSP, AA O-G Tutor & Montessorian

Dyslexia Screenings & Emotional Intensive Intervention - Staff Training - Online Courses- Consultancy- Tutoring-Reliance and Family Coaching I have a unique approach in helping individuals achieve their full potential. With over two and a half decades of experience, I have a passion for learning new techniques and being at the forefront of groundbreaking advancements in education. As a graduate of the renowned Auburn University, I have earned both her BA in ECE and Masters Degree in Secondary with Reading Specialist certification from the University of Alabama. I have experience at the Montessori School in Birmingham which has provided me with valuable insights into the best practices of teaching young minds. I have also developed training programs for teachers, providing essential support to students with neurodiverse needs such as dyslexia, ADHD, and autism spectrum. I have focus on developing a "whole child" pedagogy that caters to all modes of learning, I continually work with Dr. Joseph Nwoye on teaching and learning including DEI. I have helped develop programs and training with SDIG ( in promoting the intersectionality of the complexities and complicated issues of diversity. I have credentials as a reading specialist with a speech pathology background expanded greatly while owning Cook's Independent Tutoring, Coaching, Consulting, LLC. I currently pursuing a Neurodiversity Family Coaching certification in the framework of the CReW Coaching Institute. Again, I have a commitment to being at the forefront of groundbreaking advancements in education. As an enthusiastic learner and educator, I am confident that I have the necessary skills to support others in achieving their goals ( For more information, contact Tricia Cook, Cook's Independent, Tutoring, Coaching and Consulting, LLC. (;

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