My Elbert: RDS Responsive System Dysfunction & Neurodiversity

Cook, the author of Nurture Their Nature, looks at the “whole child” and complete learning differences including the nature and nurture of the neurodifference. For learning to be successful, we need to look at the “whole child” and their neuro-symatic learning functions. For learning motivation and resilience (meaning) to be successful, you need to have a strong cognitive, behavioral, and affective-spiritual components which include the following: central and peripheral nervous- sensory system (especially visual and auditory), regulated RAS & ACC/HPA, Pons (parts of the brain), thymus and biofield (including electromagnetic field, internal chakras), neuroplasticity and IQ, positive perceptions specifically strength and empathy (along with reduced perceptions of anger and shame), healthy and functional physiological, sensory-motor systems, hormones released such as serotonin, dopamine, cortisol along with autonomy (for meaning, speed processing, and long-term memory) and attunement (for meaning & motivation, speed processing, and short-term memory). Therefore, when learning difficulties occur, our neurobiology (neurosystems), central and peripheral nervous system, complete chakra, and electromagnetic systems are all dysfunctioning or dysregulating simultaneously and individually at different degrees and causing abnormal neuroplasticity. Our goal is for ALL our systems to function equalized, activated, and balanced.

Specifically, if the vagal system is comprised including the following areas of the brain:

Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) and Vibrating the Alta Major Chakra

The Cinguate Gyrus (CAN)– is a large arch-like lobe in the center of the inner brain that is a part of the limbic system; it houses the organs and their interactions constitute the Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC-shame) and the main function of this area of the brain functions to process conscious emotional experience and the parasympathetic nervous system (right side) (NOTE: the importance of conscious reappraisal of emotions such as shame/empathy and anger/strength for the ARAS). Note: The ARAS doesn’t fully develop in the brain until variably, around the ages 21–24 years old (Fowler, J.W., 2015).

2.0 ACC & Cinguate Gyrus (CAN) illustration

NOTE: (HPA) Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal and Vibrating the Soma Chakra

The hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis is a complex set of direct influences and feedback interactions among three components: the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands. These organs and their interactions constitute the HPA (anger) axis, a major neuroendocrine system that controls reactions to stress and regulates many body processes, including digestion, the immune system and the sympathetic nervous system (frontal lobe/left side).

2.1 HPA illustration

Vagus Nerve and Vibrating the Soma and Alta Major Chakra

The vagus nerve- is one of the cranial nerves that connect the brain to the body. More specifically, it’s the connection between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract. Likewise, the vagus nerve has two bunches of sensory nerve cell bodies, and it connects the brainstem to the body and vagal nerves carry somatic and visceral afferents that can alter the activity of the brainstem at the point of the reticular centers (RAS). Remember the RAS & ACC (shame)/HPA (anger) also allows the brain to monitor and receive information about several of the body’s different functions and matters of the mind including the perceptions and filters of the parasympathetic (shame), sympathetic (anger) & total (anger/shame) response system during stress such as reading. When you activate the chakras (major 7 and soma/alta major- HPA (anger)/ACC(shame)) and normalize, balance the vagal tone and electromagnetic field, it will stop the “epigenome” which are again the collection of chemicals markers (focus: inherently dyslexia). This interruption will allow the body to then calm, be healthy, resilient, gain positive attitudes (joy, bliss) and make learning more pleasurable and effective; therefore, also the Reticular Activating System (RAS) needs to be activated via the vagus nerve (thymus- vagus nerve chakra). Note: The (ARAS) itself is on the cerebral cortex and is responsible for the achievement of super consciousness (higher transpersonal self) .

2.2 Vagus Nerve Chakra (Upper Heart Chakra-Thymus) illustration Note: includes Soma and Alta Major chakras

Remember the vagus nerve also connects the brainstem to the body. The vagus nerve also is connected to the seven chakras via RAS & ACC (shame)/HPA (anger)- by activating the seven chakras including the soma/alta major via the vagus nerve, it can continue doing its job of helping us connect our brain stem to the body; hence, regulating our biofield (including electromagnetic fields). One of the major goals of the paper and program includes holistic alternatives and activities to block or ease the production of specific inflammatory proteins and chemicals (toxicity) excreted at the gut-brain axis via the vagus nerve, align and balance the seven chakras (soma/alta major also) including RAS & ACC (shame)/HPA (anger) areas of the brain to regulate our own biofields (including electromagnetic fields).

2.3 RAS Rectangular Activation System Note: includes Soma and Alta Major Chakras illustration

Vagus Nerve & RAS Vibrating Alta Major Chakra (*aka God Awareness Chakra)

The Reticular Activating System (RAS)- is a network of neurons (hyper-, hypo-, or varied) located in the brain stem that project anteriorly to the hypothalamus to mediate behavior such as sleep, memory, and learning; as well as, both posteriorly to the thalamus and directly to the cortex for activation of awake, desynchronized cortical EEG patterns. It is holistically and spiritually known from being a center “where we can create our own reality” whether positive, negative or neutral. Knowing: What we focus on in our mind (thymus), pons (dream center) then comes to fruition here in our RAS.

The ACC (see top)- is part of RAS (Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland)-associated with the alta major chakra and shame.

HPA (see top)-(Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis)- associated with the soma chakra and anger.

Both are associated with the thymus chakra aka vagus nerve chakra.

Note: Important RAS info. includes the following excerpt… ‘The RAS is said to be the gas pedal [slow (hypo-), accelerate (hyper-) or varied cognitive speed processing] that ignites the diencephalon (the hypothalamus and thalamus) as well as the cortical areas [where all long-term memory/storage takes place] of the brain’ (Petty, 1996).

Corpus callosum– links both hemispheres and to varying degrees. Hence students might have a lateral cognitive dominance of the functioning system- the students with the right-hemisphere dominance have Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD) and might have dysphonetic dyslexia because language and analysis (break down category and sequencing) which is a left-hemisphere task: therefore, students with right-hemisphere dominance might have high functioning autism, can have language deficits such as dsyphonetic (auditory) dyslexia.

Unilateral Neglect (or Hemispatial Neglect)/Total Functioning System Dominance (TFD)- student might have high-functioning autism along with other learning differences (below). Someone prominent in rightbrain (ACC) has an unawareness of objects to one side of the body or personal space. In severe cases, a side can be completely ignored when carrying out certain tasks and everyday functions such as writing so may have dysgraphia. But another important brain function is controlled by either the right side of your brain or the left side of your brain depending on your handedness.

Sympathetic Functioning System Dominance (SFD) student has total (see below) or left corpus callosum dysfunction then having a total right or left-lateral hemisphere dominance (HPA), evaluation (specifically color, shape, size & dimension) is a right-hemisphere task; those with a Sympathetic Functioning System Dominance (SFD) therefore, might have autism, Irlen Syndrome, and dsyeidetic (visual) dyslexia.

Unilateral Neglect (or Hemispatial Neglect)/Total Functioning System Dominance (TFD)- student might have autism (lower functioning) along with other learning differences (below). Someone with dominant frontal lobe or the (left) dominant temporal lobe (SFD) can cause a condition called aphasia, which is a serious disturbance of speech and communication.

The Soul- the high heart and mind

Limbic Areas that are typically included in the limbic system fall into two categories but there’s a missing third component (thymus)

Delight (mind-RAS-Gut): Strength, Might, Simple (Affirmation (Blessing of Thanksgiving): -Abound-Heart/Spirit, Justifying Faith-justice)

Affirmation (Blessing of Thanksgiving, heart)

  • RAS= HPA & ACC (body & brain= brainstem) processing side and short-term memory and the arousal of the limbic cortex -ACC, amygdala, and hippocampus. It is where our dreams come into our reality and then onto fruition. Correlated with chakras 6–8th

Bliss (heart-pons): Joy, Power, Complete (Intent (Praise of Trust):-Arise-Mind/Soul, Indwelling Faith-Love)

Intent (Praise of Trust-mind)

  • Pons (body & mind = midbrain) which is a small part of the brain above the pons that integrates sensory information and relays it upward (RAS). Similar to the RAS, it is responsible for arousal (hyper-, hypo-, and varied) and plays a role in mood. In terms of long–term physiological changes, it is also associated with long-term memory. This is also where dreams are centered based on our thymus and what we focus on or need healing to become pure and blameless. Correlated with chakras 9–11th

Happiness (heart mind- Thymus, heart/mind “the Leb”): Peace, Authority, Absolute (Revelation (Hope of Forgiveness): -Behold-Heart/Soul Saving Faith-peace)

Revelation (Hope of Forgiveness)

  • Thymus (high heart & mind= soul) a connection of perception between all affective and behavioral cognitive experiences on a cellular level (cellular memory) including the mainstream universal emotions of anger, strength, joy, bliss, shame, courage, compassion, and harmony and relays it upward (PONS). It’s also where you can find the “imagination” that lies within all of us. This is where the mind creates our purpose by filtering, interpreting our world and experiences which in turn creates our dreams into reality of miracles and blessings. Correlated with chakra 12
  • NOTE: A Total Learning System Dysfunction (TLSD) and Dysregulated and Dysfunctional System Responsive System Dysfunction (RSD) works in a downward effect from RAS-PONS-THYMUS:

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Published by Tricia Cook, MEd., Online Dyslexia and Behavioral Interventionist, RSP, AA O-G Tutor & Montessorian

Dyslexia Screenings & Emotional Intensive Intervention - Staff Training - Online Courses- Consultancy- Tutoring-Reliance and Family Coaching I have a unique approach in helping individuals achieve their full potential. With over two and a half decades of experience, I have a passion for learning new techniques and being at the forefront of groundbreaking advancements in education. As a graduate of the renowned Auburn University, I have earned both her BA in ECE and Masters Degree in Secondary with Reading Specialist certification from the University of Alabama. I have experience at the Montessori School in Birmingham which has provided me with valuable insights into the best practices of teaching young minds. I have also developed training programs for teachers, providing essential support to students with neurodiverse needs such as dyslexia, ADHD, and autism spectrum. I have focus on developing a "whole child" pedagogy that caters to all modes of learning, I continually work with Dr. Joseph Nwoye on teaching and learning including DEI. I have helped develop programs and training with SDIG ( in promoting the intersectionality of the complexities and complicated issues of diversity. I have credentials as a reading specialist with a speech pathology background expanded greatly while owning Cook's Independent Tutoring, Coaching, Consulting, LLC. I currently pursuing a Neurodiversity Family Coaching certification in the framework of the CReW Coaching Institute. Again, I have a commitment to being at the forefront of groundbreaking advancements in education. As an enthusiastic learner and educator, I am confident that I have the necessary skills to support others in achieving their goals ( For more information, contact Tricia Cook, Cook's Independent, Tutoring, Coaching and Consulting, LLC. (;

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