My Elbert: Neurotoxins & Learning

#education #ASC #mentalhealth #ADHD #student #dyslexia #myelbert

As far as learning is concerned...My own inductive reasoning, logic of evaluation, outside-of-the box problem-solving skills, detective sense contributed to my own gift of dyslexia, gift of knowledge and wisdom (discernment), countless hours of student observations, philosophy including ontology and (w)holism, neuroscientific, neuropsychology, educational research, and studies along with my perpetual care for children.

Metal-based Toxicity

Neuroscientists have previously found that tau can become toxic when extra chemical molecules accumulate with its structure in the brain, causing it to form tangles of protein that destroy surrounding tissue. Researchers at Gladstone Institute, have found that calm reduces levels of the protein tau, which is known for its role in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions, changes excitatory and inhibitory cells in ways that make it harder for the brain to burst with overexcitation [under stimulated as well]. It also promotes the maintain balance in the brain. Previously they showed in mouse models that reducing tau levels makes the brain more resistant to epilepsy of diverse causes. [Retrieved form].

” Retrieved from;;;;html?fbclid=IwAR199BUqYjWCvNGq2GCgdzl3d0n_lVzu_6na4KVVcYVuBzk-JeiM-CgRyDQ;

Cell–cell interactions (CCIs) are physical interactions between two or more cells, which can be mediated by proteins, ligands, sugars or other biomolecules. Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) are physical interaction between two proteins, often involved in structural systems, signal transduction or metabolic processes. Differentially Expressed Genes are identified as more highly (or lowly) expressed in one condition versus the other after comparison of their expression values between two conditions. Genes with restricted, constitutive or unusual pattern of expression are quantified accordingly to their characteristics to avoid miscalculation or underestimation of signals. Operational taxonomic unita definition used to classify groups of closely related organisms. DNA sequences can be clustered according to their similarity to one another, and operational taxonomic units are defined based on the similarity threshold (usually 97% similarity) set by the researcher. Biomolecules or biological molecule, any of numerous substances that are produced by cells and living organisms. (Retrieved from;

Note: Iron molecules are found in a variety of different chemical environments in biology. In addition, iron biomolecules can be divided into those which utilise iron to effect a biological function (02 transport, electron shuttling, etc.) and those which transport and store iron. With regards to Parkinson’s Disease, one of the targets that LRRK2 regulates is called Rab8a, a protein which, along with many others of the Rab family, helps control the movement or “trafficking” of a wide variety of cellular vesicles (vesicle is a structure within or outside a cell, membrane-bound subcellular compartments). [Retrieved from].

Nerve cells in the human brain talk to one another at sites called synapses, where molecules are released to signal to the next cell. When people learn or remember things, this signalling is strengthened. When communication between synapses goes wrong, circuits become broken. The function of nerve cells and synapses depends on proteins that are made using information encoded in genetic material called RNA. It is thought that RNAs are located exactly where and when they are needed for synaptic signalling because some kind of synaptic ‘tag’ labels the correct active synapse. Scientists have recently learned that RNA can have a methyl group/molecule added to one of the RNA bases, which ‘marks’ the RNA message. Such adding of methyl groups can influence proteins binding to DNA or RNA and consequently stop proteins being produced.

A new study shows that RNA marking can be reversed at synapses and hence may act as a ‘synaptic tag’. Synaptic tagging allows the synapse, rather than the nucleus, to be the unit of long-lasting neuronal plasticity. The findings suggest, that if disrupted, this could cause synapses and nerve cells to malfunction by influencing the formation of toxic protein clumps [causing brain injury (deficits) such in the case of Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) and long-term memory (LTM) encoding needed for learning.

The genomic mechanisms involve methyl groups being put on RNA messages and importantly taken off when a synapse is active. The implications are very important for normal brain function, but also for reversible psychiatric mental conditions such as anxiety and addiction disorders and early-stage neurodegenerative diseases such as dementias.” [Retrieved from;].

Note: Iron is part of the Heme group which plays multiple roles in cellular processes. The strong affinity of heme toward oxygen makes it possible for hemoglobin and myoglobin, two heme-containing proteins, to function as major oxygen transporters. Heme also participates in respiration, sensing of diatomic gases, drug detoxification, signal transduction and regulation of transcription, translation, microRNA processing, mitochondrial protein import, protein stability, and differentiation. While most cells synthesize heme, differentiating erythrocytes represent the major site of heme production in humans due to the synthesis of hemoglobin, which accounts for 85% of the total heme. Malfunction of heme synthesis can lead to disorders such as anemia and porphyrias. [Retrieved from].

Also, Note: Studies have demonstrated that iron can regulate tau.This study examines the levels of total tau, hyperphosphorylation of tau, and SDS- and β-mercaptoethanol-resistant high molecular weight tau (HMW-tau) in crude extracts from gray and white matters of AD frontal lobes were analyzed by immuno-blots. They found the seeding potency is markedly higher in gray matter than in white matter such disease that includes Alzheimer’s disease (AD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), and other disease pathologies ..[Retrieved from;].

Think About

In the field of psychology, emotions are not just our feelings, as some may think. Just as colors are actually the appearance of different frequencies, emotions [especially anger and shame] are composed of similar properties. A lower or negative emotion has a lower frequency and the body isn’t able to assimilate that frequency or doesn’t know how to deal with it. In these situations, these emotions can become “trapped” in our magnetic field [“soul”] or even in our bodies as well as hyper-, hypo- and varied arousal causing imbalances that can affect the proper function of our body system. [Retrieved from]

With just a (anger) Sympathetic Functional System Dominance (SFD), they perceive in the mind everything with anger during stressful experiences. When they have a (shame) Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD), in the mind, they filter and attune themselves to everything with shame. When we have both anger and shame in the mind (see child sample above), this is called a Total Learning System Dysfunction (TLSD) which creates: this creates almost complete soul-body disconnect (dysregulation) due to constant learning aka cognitive speed shifting (hyper-. hypo-, and varied) which tires out the brain’s (RAS) Rectangular Activation System (chakras 6-8th including soma and alta-major chakras), Pons (crown chakra), and Thymus (vagus nerve chakra) much quicker than the aligned and balanced learning brain and body which, in turn, lessens neuroplasticity. When our very own DNA generationally predispositions with dysfunctions of the Rectangular Activation System, Pons, and Thymus and for learning differences (anger and shame predispositions), ALL our systems and senses can have any dysfunctions, and therefore, we can actually have body-soul disconnection in the mind!

Mind you again, learning apathy is complicated and that the spirit-soul-body/connection-trust-love disconnection causes maladjustment and belonging in this world. Don’t worry, our spirit, soul, and body connection can also be complicated to a point, if we understand that we are love and not meant for fear. Think about it this way, when your child has a Hypo or Hyper, varied (both anger and shame), learning with trauma and emotional intensity, their learning decreases due to disconnections to others-themselves, soul-body disconnection of consciousness, perceptions of anger/shame along with assimilation (meaning and motivation) of those perceptions. Sadly, the students who have TRSD dysfunctions, they can become labelled Learning Disabled amongst other labels. Therefore, they are not learning effectively, cognitively, or behaviorally on a conscious level nor helped in a way that is revolutionary nor effective. There’s always hope and faith in their spiritual growth:

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